This program is not intended to replace recommendations or advise from physicians or other healthcare providers. Always consult a qualified doctor prior to undertaking any nutrition or fitness program. The program leaders do not accept responsibility for illness or injury arising out of the failure to seek medical advise from a registered physician.
This program is intended to help you make informed decisions about your health and to cooperate with your healthcare provider in a joint quest for optimal wellness. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek medical attention from a competent healthcare provider.
Body Mind For Life staff are not licensed medical care providers, are not rendering personal medical advice or treatment, and have no expertise in advising on, diagnosing, examining or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise or diet on a medical condition.
You acknowledge and agree that when participating in any diet, exercise, or exercise program, and/or when using any diet or fitness products or services, there is the possibility of physical injury and/or death, and you assume the risk and responsibility for any such results.
It is important that this program is used in conjunction with qualified medical guidance. If you know or suspect that you may be pregnant, have an eating disorder, have diabetes, or have any other physical or medical condition, it is imperative that you seek the advice of your doctor prior to participating in this program. If you experience any discomfort or pain during a diet or exercise routine you must immediately cease the activity and seek the assistance of a physician.
In the event that you use any of the information in this program for your family or friends, the program leaders assume no responsibility for your actions.